Centre of Metaverse is a research and development centre at Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, founded in 2023. We are a group of students who share a passion for augmented reality, virtual reality, and 3D modelling. We are a hub for innovation, where we experiment with the latest technologies and work on various exciting projects, turning our imagination into reality. We welcome you to come with us on a wonderful journey into the Metaverse, where we will be your reliable companions in this exhilarating adventure where the real and the virtual worlds blend.

Our Mission

The “Centre of Metaverse" is dedicated to serving as a creative sanctuary for students with a passion for augmented reality, virtual reality, and 3D modelling. Equipped with advanced technology, we encourage exploration and innovation, where technology and creativity converge harmoniously.

A Glimpse into Our World

The “Centre of Metaverse" society is dedicated to exploring exciting technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality, and 3D modelling. Our activities encompass cutting-edge research, creative projects, and skill development opportunities in these domains. We offer workshops, training, and seminars to equip our members with the latest tools and knowledge, keeping them at the forefront of innovation.

Collaboration is at our core, encouraging members to work together on imaginative projects that push the boundaries of these technologies. Our collective approach allows us to achieve more together.

Metaverse Symphony

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is a groundbreaking technology that seamlessly integrates digital elements into our physical environment, offering an enhanced and interactive experience. Among its various applications, “Home Decor" is a standout project that revolutionises interior design by enabling real-time visualisation and customisation of living spaces. With AR, users can experiment with furniture, decor, and colour schemes within their homes, providing an immersive preview of their design choices. This innovative blend of creativity and technology offers a practical and engaging solution for transforming living spaces with style and precision.
In recent years, Augmented Reality (AR) has transcended the realm of science fiction and seamlessly integrated itself into our daily lives, bringing about transformative changes across various industries, some of such applications are:

● AR in Healthcare: Surgeons can use AR to overlay virtual images onto a patient’s anatomy during surgery, providing real-time guidance and enhancing precision.
● AR in Navigation: Navigation systems are enhanced with contextual information, aiding urban planning and tourism.
● AR in Marketing: Marketing landscapes evolve with interactive campaigns. Customers virtually try products, enhancing the purchasing experience.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is a groundbreaking technology that immerses users in digital environments, from realistic to fantastical experiences. “VR-RescueX" is an innovative project revolutionising disaster training, using the Oculus Quest 2 to simulate CBRN disaster scenarios for NDRF trainees. This offers a safe yet realistic environment for skill refinement, marking a significant advancement in disaster preparedness and response training.

VR with Meta Quest 2 employs a high-resolution headset and handheld controllers to create immersive experiences. It tracks head and hand movements, allowing users to interact with the virtual world seamlessly, whether for exploration, gaming, or simulating real-life situations. This hardware-software fusion ensures a captivating and immersive VR experience.

The impact of Virtual Reality (VR) extends far beyond our imagination. These technologies redefine real-life scenarios such as:

● VR in Education: Education becomes immersive, allowing students to explore historical events, travel to distant places, or engage in complex scientific simulations.
● VR in Corporate Training: Employee training programs leverage VR for simulated environments, improving safety and efficiency.
● Virtual Shopping: Retailers use VR to create virtual stores, enabling customers to browse and shop for products in a virtual environment

Three-dimensional Modelling

Three-dimensional modelling, or 3D modelling, is a creative and versatile digital process used in fields like animation, gaming, architecture, and product design. It transforms our perception and interaction with virtual spaces, creating lifelike environments. Blender, an open-source 3D modelling software, is a top choice for its extensive features. The process involves creating the model’s structure, refining it through mesh editing, adding details and textures, and enhancing realism with lighting and rendering. Blender’s animation system adds dynamic movement, and the final product can be exported in various formats, making it indispensable for 3D modelling, animation, and visualisation in the various industries.

Let’s explore the real-life usages of 3D modelling:

● Architectural Visualisation: 3D modelling is used to create realistic visualisations of architectural designs, allowing architects and clients to explore and understand the spatial layout before construction.
● Game Environments: 3D modelling is used to design and render realistic game environments, enhancing the overall gaming experience.
● Virtual Sets: Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) productions leverage 3D modelling to create immersive virtual sets.


(Head of Department)
Dr. Rahul Sharma
(Faculty Coordinator)
Mr. Pancham Singh